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srijeda, 21. lipnja 2017.

These 5 Ingredients Have More Vitamin C Than Citric Fruits!

Many associate vitamin C with the fruit’s acidity. But fruits do not have to actually be acidic in order to have vitamin C.
Find you which ingredients possess more vitamin C than citrus fruits -- you may be surprised!
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that has a positive impact on all diseases and conditions associated with increased oxidative stress (aging, diabetes, disease circulating composition, hypertension, tumors, Alzheimer’s diseases etc.). In addition, it facilitates the absorption of iron in the digestive system, accelerates the process of wounds healing and burns and prevents gums from bleeding.
We have write a lot for this vitamin and we often associated it with lemon and orange, but the vitamin C in large quantities abounds in other products, and this time we will present 5 foods in which vitamin C can be found in large quantities.
Red and yellow pepper
Pepper is number one when it comes to abundance of vitamin C. 100 grams of red and yellow peppers contain 190 milligrams of vitamin C, which is almost double the amount of this vitamin in green pepper and four times more than oranges.
Besides the fact that broccoli is rich with many nutritional properties, it is also highly rich in vitamin C. Thanks to this vitamin broccoli protects against LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage. Бѕ еатинг 100 grams of broccoli ѕоу њилл ентер around 90 milligrams of vitamin C in your organism.
The nutritional value of 67 grams of kale is equal to 80.4 mg of vitamin C. This is the real source of healthy food, and besides vitamin C, kale is rich in vitamin A and C and fiber. In folk medicine, fresh kale leaves are put on sick joints and ulcers, and this vegetable’s juice is recommended for people who suffer from stomach problems.
We present another “sour” ingredient that is a great source of vitamin C. In addition, kiwi is rich in vitamins K, E, potassium and copper. Researchers have proven that kiwi protects our DNK from oxidative stress.
Cauliflower can be eaten fresh or as an addition to a salad or dish. 100 grams of cauliflower contains 70 milligrams of vitamin C.