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srijeda, 21. lipnja 2017.

Dinner Replacement In Every Healthy Diet: Avocado Fruit Salad!

Even though avocado is rather rich in calories, a certain amount of this commodity is healthy benefactor in every weight loss program. Many nutritionists advise that you do not have to keep a particularly strict diet to lose weight if avocado in combination with lettuce replace your breakfast or dinner. That is all.

Due to the mono-unsaturated fats contained in avocado, it can help in losing weight by giving a feeling of satiety. Not to mention the well-known health benefits of this ingredient.
Banana improves mood, same as strawberries and oranges have great power of refreshing and provides energy.
Avocado fruit salad can be a great substitute for the evening menu at each diet. Here is how to prepare it for two people.
Ingredients needed:
-- 3 oranges
-- 2 avocados
-- 2 bananas
-- 300 grams of strawberries
-- 2 tablespoons of honey
-- 1 bag of vanilla sugar
-- Little bit of sea nutmeg
-- 1 shot of orange liqueur
Method of preparation:
Peel the oranges, squeeze the juice out of them or slices or chop them up. Boil the honey together with nutmeg and vanilla for two minutes, and then leave to cool. Cut the avocados in half lengthwise, and then carve it. Peel the bananas, chop them into quarters and mix with avocado and orange. Add the previously washed and sliced in half strawberries afterwards.
Mix the sweet syrup with the liqueur and then pour the resulting mixture over the fruit salad. Use the in order to fill the carved avocado pieces.