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petak, 22. prosinca 2017.

5 food-medicines that could quite possibly save your life

by Admins

Some of the most powerful medicines on the planet are masquerading around as foods and spices. While they do not lend themselves to being patented, nor will multi-billion dollar human clinical trials ever be funded to prove them efficacious, they have been used since time immemorial

to both nourish our bodies, and to prevent and treat disease. So valued were these in ancient times that they were worth their weight in gold, and entire civilizations either rose to great power or collapsed as a result of their relationship to them.
What is even more amazing is that many of these “plant allies”
are found growing in our backyards, and often sitting there in our refrigerators and spice racks, neglected and under appreciated. In fact, many of us use these daily unaware that this is why we don’t get sick as often as those who do not incorporate them into their diet. Let’s look at a few examples….
1) Garlic – with the increasing prevalence of multi-drug resistant bacteria and the failure of the conventional, drug-based model to develop effective solutions against them (nor accepting responsibility for creating them), spices have regained their once universal reign as broad spectrum infection-fighters with sometimes life-saving power.
Garlic, in fact, has several hundred therapeutic properties, confirmed by a growing body of scientific research, which you can view directly on One quick example of garlic’s power, is in killing multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), which the mainstream media has termed the “white plague,”

roiling the masses with a fear of drug-resistant (but not plant-extract resistant) they are made to believe they are defenseless against.
Last year an article was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal showing that garlic was capable of inhibiting a wide range of multiple drug resistant tuberculosis strains.
The authors concluded “The use of garlic against MDR-TB may be of great importance regarding public health.” Garlic’s anti-infective properties do not end with MDR-TB, as it has been demonstrated to inhibit the following pathogens as well:
Amoeba Entamoeba histolytica (parasite)
Dermatophytoses (a type of topical fungal infection)
Haemophilus Influenzae

Helicobacter Pylori
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus A. (MRSA)
Parainfluenza Virus
Peridontal Infection
Pneumococcal Infections
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Streptococcus Mutans
Streptococcus Infections: Group A
Streptococcus Infections: Group B
Streptococcus pyrogenes
Thrush (oral fungal infection)
This amazing list underscores how important it is to keep a supply of garlic close by!

subota, 18. studenoga 2017.

Heartburn: foods to eat, foods to avoid

by Admins
Heartburn: foods to eat, foods to avoid
Will eating this give me heartburn?
To answer this question, we first must understand what heartburn is. It is a burning discomfort usually in the center of the chest that continues up to the throat in some individuals.

Stomach acid refluxes (flows upwards through a valve called the lower esophageal sphincter) into the esophagus and irritates its tissue. Certain foods trigger heartburn and you need to identify the foods that trigger your heartburn. This slideshow may help you identify foods that may trigger heartburn and offers suggestions about how the risk for heartburn can be reduced.

Heartburn Trigger: Too Much Food
In general, if a person eats a large volume of food – and it does not matter what type of food it is or how often you’ve eaten it in the past – this large volume of almost any food can trigger heartburn. Consequently, eating smaller portions can avoid volume–related heartburn.
Heartburn Trigger: Eating on the Go
Volume of food intake is not the only problem that can increase the risk of developing heartburn. Nutritionists suggest that eating on the run (grabbing fast food, eating it quickly, then going on to work or other activities) increases the risk for heartburn.
To decrease the risk, slow down casually eat foods.
Heartburn Trigger: Fatty Foods
High-fat foods take longer to digest in the stomach and the longer foods remain in stomach, the higher the risk for heartburn symptoms to develop. The risk is much greater if you combine foods that are high in fat with a high volume of these fatty foods.
Heartburn Tip: Cut Back on Fat
Some people may have to give up their favorite foods to avoid heartburn. However, if some of your favorite foods such as shrimp are prepared broiled and not fried, wrapped in fatty bacon, or consumed in large quantities, they may be enjoyed without causing heartburn. Trimming the fat off meat, baking, grilling, broiling, or roasting some foods instead of frying them can help reduce the risk of heartburn.
Heartburn Trigger: Acidic Foods

Foods that contain a normally low pH (acidic foods such as tomatoes, citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, or vinegar found in salad dressings) have a risk of causing heartburn when eaten by themselves, or on an empty stomach.
Heartburn Tip: Limit Acidic Foods

There other options for fresh fruits besides acidic tomatoes and citrus fruits, but you may still enjoy small portions of acidic foods if you eat them in combination with non-acidic foods such as with pasta or with vegetables. The acidity will be reduced when acidic foods are eaten in small amounts combined with other non-acidic foods. If you find some foods you like are acidic, try eating them in small amounts with other foods to see if heartburn symptoms do not develop.

Drinks That May Trigger Heartburn
Food is not the only trigger for heartburn; liquids can easily be a heartburn trigger. Heartburn risk can be increased by drinking coffee, caffeinated tea, carbonated drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Caffeine can boost acid in the stomach, alcoholic beverages can cause the lower esophageal sphincter to relax and thereby allow gastric contents to enter the esophagus. Carbonated drinks may also contain caffeine; however even without caffeine carbonated drinks can bloat the stomach which increases the risk for heartburn.
Heartburn Tip: Try Other Drinks

Drinks that don’t contain caffeine or carbonation are far less likely to cause heartburn. Herbal teas without caffeine, milk, and water are good choices to reduce the risk of heartburn.
Heartburn Trigger: Chocolate
Because chocolate can contain caffeine and fat, chocolate can be a trigger for heartburn. If you just can’t get along without chocolate, try to decrease the amount of chocolate you eat. Also, avoid eating chocolate after a heavy meal and on an empty stomach. Using these techniques may allow you to eat some foods that would otherwise cause heartburn.
Heartburn Trigger: Spicy Foods
Spicy foods such as jalapeno peppers sometimes trigger heartburn in individuals. In addition, other foods such as garlic and onions may cause the same problems. Even peppermint may cause heartburn in some individuals because mint relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter.
Heartburn Tip: Hold the Heat
For individuals who get heartburn from certain foods, it’s not always all or nothing for these food types. For example, you can add some spices to foods, but do it in moderation. For example, instead of four-alarm chili, you could back off to two-alarm chili and see if that prevents heartburn.

Heartburn Tip: Write It Down
What may cause heartburn one individual may not cause it in another. Everyone is different so you may find a small cup of coffee with food doesn’t cause you heartburn anymore but could still cause heartburn in someone else. If you begin to make a list of food and drink items that cause you to experience heartburn, you will know which ones to avoid, which ones to reduce the serving size, and ones that will require eating with other non-heartburn causing foods.
Heartburn Tip: Try Chewing Gum
Chewing gum produces saliva and saliva neutralizes acid and signals the stomach to move its contents into the small intestine. Peppermint or mint gum should be avoided since they may relax the lower esophageal sphincter and increase the risk for heartburn.
More Heartburn Tips

There are other ways to reduce heartburn. Allow about three hours between dinner and bedtime, elevate the head of your bed by about 8 inches, don’t lie down flat after a meal, stop smoking, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Occasional heartburn is common but frequent heartburn is not; it could be a symptom of other problems such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


Pineberry – the unique healthy fruit that tastes like pineapple

by Admins

Pineberry – the unique healthy fruit that tastes like pineapple
Pineberry is an albino strawberry cultivar with a pineapple-like flavor, white coloring, and red seeds.Pineberry is based on the original strawberry hybrids that arose in cultivation in Europe, with recent selective breeding to improve the plants.

It is a hybrid of Fragaria chiloensis, originating in South America, and Fragaria virginiana, originating in North America, the same parentage as the garden strawberry Fragaria × ananassa. The first commercial cultivation occurred in 2010 in the Netherlands and Belgium.
A pineberry is smaller than a common strawberry, measuring between 15 to 23 mm (0.6 to 0.9 in).
Once pineberries were first introduced into the market, which wasn’t that long ago, they became a big hit and everyone who has tried them fell in love with them.
Pineberries look similar to unripe strawberries, but they give many more health benefits than strawberries do. Pineberries look quite unique and taste delicious.
Pineberries or Pineberry strawberry, as known as Ananaserdbeere in Europe and this is the German name for these fruit. Even though they look so much like strawberries that taste like pineapples. They are white with red seeds which makes them look extremely attractive.
Did you know that these are actually the oldest strawberries variety,
they’re appearance came from the mix of the Chilean white strawberry and the North American red strawberry.
Pineberries are rich in nutrients and are powerful antioxidants. This is the nutritive value of a pineberry, ( 2 oz serving):
Energy …………………………………………………………………………….. 577
Calories…………………………………………………………………………….. 138
Alcohol……………………………………………………………………………… 22.7g
Carbohydrates…………………………………………………………………… 0g
Fiber…………………………………………………………………………………… 0g
Sugar………………………………………………………………………………….. 0g
Cholesterol………………………………………………………………………… 0g

Sodium………………………………………………………………………………. 0g
Fats……………………………………………………………………………………. 0g
These are the important health benefits from this fruit:
Improve the Immune System:
This fruit contains a high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants, which boost the immune system and keep viruses and the flu away.
Strengthen Bones and Teeth:
These fruits are also high in vitamin A, which is extremely important for strengthening bones and protection of the teeth.
Improve Heart Health:
Pineberries contain a high amount of potassium, which will balance out the blood pressure. By doing this they can prevent heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular diseases.
Powerful Antioxidants:
These fruits lower the oxidation in the body and prevent various conditions and diseases, such as heart diseases and cancer.
Prevent Digestive Problems:
Since pineberries are rich in fiber, they help the bowels moving. High amounts of fiber also balance out cholesterol and prevents heart disease.
Boost your energy levels:
Pineberries are high in carbs, which is not good for your weight, but keep your body energized.
Perfect for pregnant women:
These delicious fruits are rich in foliate which is vital for the proper development of the fetus and is great for the prevention of birth deformities or defects of the baby.
Pineberries can be grown at home as well, and you can even purchase pineberry plants online and grow them in your garden.


četvrtak, 14. rujna 2017.

GRAPES: Natural Cure for cleaning the blood and good circulation

by Admins

Grapes, except that updating is taken as a medicament for cleansing the blood, regulating the welding, removal of fat from the body, for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the digestive system, and to remove rheumatic problems and skin allergies. 

The fresh grape juice is rich in vitamins A, B and C and various minerals. Grapes acts as a natural tonic body, and in addition is also highly nutritious foods. It contains about 20 percent sugar, so the energy worth of food. 

This fruit is also a very important source of bioflavonoids, which protect the body from free radicals. 

Because of different antioxidants, grapes and has a powerful effect against bacteria, viruses, inflammation and allergies.Recommended against poor circulation, and it is important in slowing the aging process, or preventing dementia and degenerative eye diseases.

Buy only ripe grapes because once harvested no more mature. A cluster of berries must be greenish color. 

Grapes wash just before eating, and to preserve it fresh, keep it in a plastic container in the fridge.

White grape has a very similar energy value, black, a little less of potassium and calcium, but poverty is phenols in comparison to black grapes.