There is one super healthy food that is easily available to everyone and you can find it almost in any market. And if you thought about banana, then you were right.
This fruit is one of the healthiest foods in the world and after you read about all the health benefits that banana has you will start eating bananas even more.
This fruit is one of the healthiest foods in the world and after you read about all the health benefits that banana has you will start eating bananas even more.
Almost everyone have bananas in their diet, and in case you do not have bananas in your diet, you will add them immediately after reading this article.
They can fight depression, they can protect you from kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and blindness, they can relieve morning sickness and it is believed that bananas can make a person smarter.
Read the following 10 health benefits of bananas and you will start eating them every day:
1. Yes, we mentioned that bananas can make a person smarter and it can help with learning because bananas are making you more alert due to the high levels of potassium in them. If you have important exam you can eat a banana before the exam.
2. Bananas can strengthen your blood and they can relieve anemia because they contain iron.
3. Bananas can prevent and protect you from kidney cancer and it will also protect the eyes against macular degeneration. Because it increases calcium absorption it will build strong bones.
3. Bananas can prevent and protect you from kidney cancer and it will also protect the eyes against macular degeneration. Because it increases calcium absorption it will build strong bones.
4. Bananas can protect you from heart attack and stroke because they are high in potassium and low in salt.
5. Bananas can normalize bowel motility because they are high in fiber.
6. Bananas can regulate blood sugar and produce stress-relieving relaxation and that will improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms.
7. Bananas can help you in case of depression because they contain high levels of tryptophan and that is going to be converted into serotonin (happy-mood brain neurotransmitter).
8. Bananas contain high levels of vitamin B-6 and because of that they will reduce swelling, they will protect you from type 2 diabetes, they will strengthen the nervous system and they help with the production of white blood cells.
9. You can pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar with consuming two bananas before a strenuous workout.
10. Bananas prevent the calcium loss when you urinate and that will build up strong bones.
10. Bananas prevent the calcium loss when you urinate and that will build up strong bones.